The story: political turmoil and spiritual brokenness - the warnings of God as given by Isaiah the prophet.
The characters: Isaiah the prophet, King Ahaz and his descendants, and a furious God.
The place: The land of Judah and Assyria.
Special features: history and poetry woven with prophecy... events yet to pass, judgment yet to come, people yet to be born... and a virgin birth of a savior foretold 700 years before.
The reason this blog's namesake is Isaiah 6:8? He was a sinful man given the opportunity to be the voice for God Almighty, to go and share the message of judgment, peace, and salvation with the world. The angels came to him and purified him in order to share this divine message. I am saved only by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is through this salvation that I am able to share the message of God with you. Not that I have complete understanding of the Almighty or that I have taken hold of any of this, but that I am willing to do this... willing to serve... to live is Christ, and to die is to gain. Do you understand that? It is better to be with God and Jesus in Heaven, but while I am here I will go.