Chagall is a Jewish artist - he painted this in response to anti-senisism and the plight of the Jewish people. Little did he know that his painting would have a much different meaning to those who follow Jesus, prominently centered in a beam of light and anchoring the chaos around him.

Take close note of the images and icons around Solomon and the image of God.

"Tower of Babel" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Take a close look at the focal point, the tower. Notice the crumbling foundation, yet the top is new and still being built. There is a slight to the tower to the left - notice the city in that direction. Also notice the group of people in the lower left that appear to be following a figure in a white robe, bowing to him and holding spears.

"The Calling of Saint Matthew" by San Luigi dei Francesi, ca. 1599, Rome
This painting has an obvious message in it. Jesus (extreme right) calls upon Matthew (behind the table in the middle) to join him. Matthew, then Levi, is a publican, collecting taxes for the Romans, by no means a popular profession. Everyone is astonished. There is light on Levi's face. Jesus' finger is reminiscent of Michelangelo's spark of life for Adam in the Sistine Chapel. On the right, in front of Jesus – Peter.
And now to more modern day icons:
Mural of Statue of Liberty with a skull face in front of an American flag, former US Embassy, Tehran, Iran. Photo speaks for itself. This is typical anti-American propaganda initiated by Muslim extremists. This photo does not show it, but the red stripes turn into barbed wire down the wall.
Notice in this version the small cross on the upper lip of the face (click to enlarge).
And just for fun (but not very funny):
The 2018 White House lawn...
The hidden meaning to this post? To show that throughout history man has been called to serve God and that Jesus has been the center of this calling, from the tower of Babylon to the missionaries of today. Who is a missionary? You are! Every Christian man and woman IS a missionary. We are ALL commissioned to "go into all the world" and "make disciples."
More importantly, Jesus came to offer forgiveness to the world, including those who are raised from birth to learn hatred as a way of life (Jihads), by living a sinless life and dying on the cross. Did you know Jesus fullfilled all Bible prophecy in the Old Testament to the coming Messiah (over 400)? A Muslims' search for God (or any person for that matter) can be found in Jesus Christ. Once realization has been made that although God serves different functions through the trinity, He is one and only God. This is what is so hard to grasp for Muslims and Jews alike.
I pray that the God of peace and justice will soften the hearts of those who hate him so much.

And just for fun (but not very funny):

The hidden meaning to this post? To show that throughout history man has been called to serve God and that Jesus has been the center of this calling, from the tower of Babylon to the missionaries of today. Who is a missionary? You are! Every Christian man and woman IS a missionary. We are ALL commissioned to "go into all the world" and "make disciples."
More importantly, Jesus came to offer forgiveness to the world, including those who are raised from birth to learn hatred as a way of life (Jihads), by living a sinless life and dying on the cross. Did you know Jesus fullfilled all Bible prophecy in the Old Testament to the coming Messiah (over 400)? A Muslims' search for God (or any person for that matter) can be found in Jesus Christ. Once realization has been made that although God serves different functions through the trinity, He is one and only God. This is what is so hard to grasp for Muslims and Jews alike.
I pray that the God of peace and justice will soften the hearts of those who hate him so much.