Jesus is God’s “line in the sand,” so to speak. Those who seek the light of His true nature and immortality will stand with Him. Those who prefer the darkness of the world’s lies will not. Although God wants an eternal relationship with everyone, He only makes the offer, we must make the choice. (Matthew 19:17)
Another question that relates to this last comment is this: “If my God is so loving and kind, why would He allow suffering and torment on Earth?” He ultimately wants us to seek Him. But He gives us free will so that we will follow Him willingly. Those who do not follow Him and serve the other side (the absence of light is darkness), cause this suffering and torment. For example, who do you suppose terrorists serve, a God of love or a god of suffering? It’s apparent it’s a god of suffering. That’s not my God.
In our fallen and sinful world there is decay. This decay goes through every living thing, including our own bodies. Those who fall to illnesses do so because of sin, the original sin of Adam and Eve, not because God caused it or because someone “deserves” it - there is no such a thing. But for those people who do suffer in this way, God’s ways and will is perfect. There is a purpose in it and it CAN be used for God's glory...