The Least of These

This post has been copied from a blog I recently read. It was so impactful to me that I needed to share it here. Visit Least of These blog to read more.

God is Shuffling Along

God is Shuffling Along
He didn’t lift his feet, he slid them, as if skating on the concrete sidewalk.
Maybe he was old, but I couldn’t tell because he looked like a cave man, and it’s hard to read a cave man’s age.
Eyes looked out from sunken pools in his head, down at the ground where he shuffled.
And wild, long hair stuck out from all directions on his head. Some of it was matted.
I don’t know if he had lips. His beard had crept up his cheekbones almost to his eyes and crawled back down his face, past his neck, until it disappeared into his ragged coat.
From behind the wildness he mumbled.
I think he must have been saying, “Someone help me. God is in here somewhere, but no one can’t find him no more ‘cause he’s all crusted over and hid.”

God is Running Scared
Something was chasing him from up in the sky. Demons I guess.
He ran with a look of terror, and I thought in this heat that can’t be healthy because he’s old.
He was panting and sweating and grunting in terror.
He tripped, lost his balance and touched the ground with his hand. He didn’t fall, just stumbled and kept running.
Good thing, because I’ll bet those things in the sky chasing him might have caught up to him.
When he ran past I looked up to see what was terrifying him, trying to run him down so mercilessly.
Just blue skies. ‘Cept maybe those things from his memory. Demons from some war. Vietnam? Korea? Boyhood abuse?
I don’t know. But they had him running scared.He was too scared to talk, but I think he probably would have said, “Someone help me. God’s prints ha’ been swallowed up by all this fright and that terrible thing what happened to me long ago.”

Jesus Likes the Big Mac Value Meal
I once prayed walking to the McDonald’s in Santa Monica, “Jesus, I’d like to have supper with you.”
I stepped up to the counter to order and I saw him.
He was really skinny and ragged, but he did have that long hair, beard and mustache I had always imagined. Though I never imagined the body odor.
He was ordering just a cup of water.
“Would you like something other than water?” I asked.
“Sure.” He said. “I’ll have a Big Mac Value Meal. It’s number one.”
I knew this guy was Jesus because when we sat down to eat together he said right away, “You know, I’m sorta like Jesus. ‘The foxes have holes and the birds have nests but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head.”
I smiled.
“I have schizophrenia” he said, which is something I never knew about Jesus.
After dinner we tried to find him help, but it’s hard to help someone like that.
He’s alienated himself from everybody because he gets spooked by people easily.
“You can’t get close enough to see Jesus in me.” He says as he slips away, throwing me a suspicious glance. “He’s hidden here, and I don’t want no one to steal him.”

Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you mentally ill and shuffling or scared or hungry, and did not take care of you?'

Matthew 25:45 (NRSV)

Then he will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'

Culture vs. Spiritual Oppression

Why do you want to change their culture?

This is a question that I have been running across lately while exploring how missionaries have gone out into the world to share Christ with those who not have heard. Why do I want to change their culture by sharing Christ with them? What most people in this world do not understand is that, in most cases, "culture" is the special packaging that the world-centered view puts on spiritual oppression. Hinduism is a prime example of this. India's religion is mostly Hindu. And do you think it is a cooincidence that India has the largest number of people groups in the world who have never heard of Jesus? Not only that, but the fact that the Hindu religion have over 3 million gods? The rules and regulations that are in place for those gods, not even mentioning the oppression of society that comes from it, are enough to send an entire nation into spiritual darkness forever.

So why do I hear this question? Ignorance? Most likely. Most people in the world (i.e. the United States as that is our mindset as Americans) do not have a clue as to what Hinduism and other world religions do to a society of people.

A simple analogy: I live in the Pacific Northwest and there is a lot of moss and mildew here. Why? Because there is a lot of cold rain and darkness. If there was less rain there would be less darkness because of lack of clouds. Where the sun is, mildew and moss cannot survive. The same can be said of world religions. "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through the me." -Jesus (John 14:6). Without the son darkness prevails and oppression flourishes. Are the people at fault for denying Jesus? Maybe, maybe not. I would say that most have never even heard his name, and of those who have they do not know the significance of his existence.

Bottom line is I love people. "Hate the sin, love the sinner" as it's been said. I have looked into the eyes and faces of many, many Hindu people. How can I walk by them without sharing the hope and love that I KNOW in my heart of hearts will change their lives for eternity? I cannot. In my eyes, to do so would be to condemn them to hell. Maybe someone else may tell them... but I can't take that chance. I want to share my hope with as many people as I can because I know that hope is real.