I've heard many new converts say, "How many times am I going to go back and confess my sins?" As many as it takes! Eventually you'll get so tired of confession that you'll probably decide, "I better not do it again. This is getting boring."
David says in Psalm 32 that he felt like his bones were dry as in the heat of summer until he confessed his sins to the Lord. And then he was forgiven, set free. It didn't mean that he wasn't tempted again, but now he was free from besetting sins.
First John 1 tells us that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. Romans 8 says we aren't obligated to the sinful nature any more. Hebrews 10 says this is now God's covenant with us: "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more."
Don't let besetting sins keep you from living fervently and free in Jesus. Your victory over sin is a tremendous testimony of abundant life in Jesus Christ, our Savior!
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