
Lately I have been thinking about what it means to be fully committed to something that means a lot to me. There are several things in my life right now that fit into this category.

The first would easily be to my wife and my family. I am committed as a husband and father and intend to do all that it takes to be all I can be to them. My son is now over 3 years old and my new son is coming in October. How awesome having boys and a supporting wife is!

The second would probably be surfing. I am committed to going regularly with friends to surf. Just last night I took off from work right at 5 and went to the coast with 2 friends. We surfed from about 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm. It was incredible. The conditions were about 4 ft. swells, an incoming tide and very little wind. We surfed into the sunset and into the dark and were the only people out there! Fun little "bowly" waves that were challenging but worth the trip.

The third (ties into the second) would be ministry. I am not saying that surfing comes before ministry, but that surfing IS my ministry, so the reason it is listed second. Christian Surfers of Oregon has fueled my passion for reaching out to lost, wandering surfers of my hometown surf spots. Being a part of CSO is what God has called me to and I feel blessed and priviledged to be a part of it.

Over all of these committments is my committment to God. He has made all of this possible and I am totally committed to serving Him in any manner possible, whether it be with my family, surfing, or leading bible studies...

Which brings me to the point of this post. My first post on this blog was one of disappointment in myself. I felt as though I had let God down and was not serving how I should be. This time away from the bible studies I led with CSO has made me realize many things. God has shown me that it isn't about bible studies or even CSO, it is about Him. He does care for the ministry and has blessed it because of this and because of the loyal servants serving within it. But ministry is not about any one organization or any one group of people. Ultimately it is about reaching out to the lost, connecting with them through relationships and growing together in faith and life to be tools to reach even more.

There are several people in my life who have helped me realize this through God's leading. I look forward to learning more through them and the knowledge they have in God and Christ.

Commit yourself to something worth your precious time here on Earth. It is a short life that needs substance and not worldly things that will rot and rust away. The spiritual fullness that you can receive by committing your life to God and to Jesus is more than any high in life that you can receive.

Committed to God.

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