New Year – New Beginning

The new year brings an opportunity to start fresh. A new beginning to a new year. Resolutions are made to be better, do better, have more, do more, etc, etc.

To me, the new year is a reminder of death. Dying to my past and looking to a new future full of hope and optimism. Dying to a part of myself I don't want to be in this new year. Dying to selfish ambitions and realizing a greater purpose. To decrease is to increase. A new year? A new opportunity? A second (or third, or fourth) try? A new life? Yes, all of these. Only through death am I worthy of such a claim. The death of a man to live life like I should, like I know I am to live. Giving credit where credit is due? Jesus.


  1. I have never heard a new year resolution about dying... at least that was this sane and well thought out. Very good Corey. All God's best to you this new year.

  2. Well, you are already at 33.3% of 2005 entire post count. What is slowing youdown? You are on a roll big guy. I keep coming by to catch some news of you. So get on it my friend. I look forward to reading some more of your stuff!!!

