President Bush is a fallible man. Not perfect by any means and, yes, he has made some major mistakes as president. But what has he done to better our country and the world? I was discussing with my wife last night about our world politics and the countries and powers within it right now. We are living in an incredible time of history - the United States is the most powerful country in the world! And the man who leads it is simply a man. However, I believe he is a wise man. I can't begin to image the trials he has gone through and I would not wish that on anyone. But he has also been through some incredibly gratifying times. Our infallible God chose him to lead this country whether we like it or not. As a Christian, I am called to obey the leaders of nations and those put into power as long as it is not in defiance of my faith, because God put them there. Although I don't agree with everything he has done as a president, George W. Bush has my utmost respect. Consider what is going on in our world right now. It is not the same world we knew 100 years ago, 50 years ago, or even 10 years ago. A time in history that we should all be proud to be a part of.
"I'm a Methodist. I'm an active church member. . . I attend church, I like church . . . I've heard great preachers, I've heard not-so-great preachers. I love the hymns, I read the Bible daily. . . .I pray on a daily basis. I've got a structure to my life where religion plays a role. I understand religion is a walk, it's a journey. And I fully recognize that I'm a sinner, just like you. That's why Christ died. He died for my sins and your sins."
-- "George W. Bush: Running on His Faith," US News Online
"I would describe myself as a man who was raised a Christian, who sought redemption and found it in Jesus Christ. And that's important by the way, for someone running for public office. It's a humbling experience to make that admission. I admit I'm a lowly sinner. It's that admission that led me to redemption and led me to Christ. Without making that admission, I don't think there's such a thing as redemption."
-- interview with the Baptist Press, 31 August 2000
Great post Corey. I really liked the way you honored the President. You are so right about how we need to look up more than anywhere else. This is a very mature post done with great style and energy. I hope you keep posting.